As with all types of insurance, health insurance comes in many forms and is available at differing levels of coverage. Of course, the best-case scenario would be if your employer paid the full or even a partial amount of the monthly premiums but if you’re self-employed, unemployed or not eligible for benefits through your job, you may find that you’ll have to seek coverage independently. While it may be costly to do so, the price you pay will be much lower than what you would have to pay in the event that you find yourself in need of medical care.
Normally, the more money the patient is required to pay from his own pocket at the time of the medical services, the less the monthly premiums will be. This may be the best option for you if you are relatively healthy and have a steady, reasonable income. If you are on a fixed or limited income or suffer chronic health problems this can be a larger burden as you’ll have to pay out-of-pocket to cover the cost of the co-pay or deductible for each medical visit.